I was waiting in line, 4:00 pm, at Wall Greens when the
heart doctor’s office called. The heart monitor had a good recording for all
afternoon and night, including the fall in the morning.
Maggie’s heart is being protected from fibrillation by
Sotalol and her resting pulse never went below 50 bpm. The problem seems to be
over medication. A call to South Hampton Place would be made next.
Wall-Mart, Wall Greens, and D&H Drug all said they had
socks with gripper soles. They did, but not over the heal. Flow’s, near the
Boone Hospital did not have them either. So to the main desk at Boone Hospital
I repeated my problem with phone photo in hand. They giggled. “Try the
Emergency Room, but they will be yellow.”
The place was busy. The triage lady was too. Across the way,
the two sign out ladies were visiting. I showed them the photo: no grip on the
heals. “No problem. Is H___ here?” Another voice said, “Yes”. He appeared and
then returned with two pair of real gripper socks. “No charge.” We may also have
these in our storage from the flood.

The pill delivery man on duty at 5:30 pm informed me that
the heart doctor’s office had called the nurse on duty here at SHP. They
arrived at a management plan that is characteristic of memory care.
The ridged delivery
of Xanax three times a day, and at over four times the dose used at Provision
Living, was replaced with use-as-needed but no more than one pill every 12
hours. This order now gives the nurse at SHP the same ability to manage as at PVL
The traditional skilled-nursing approach works, after a dramatic
initial adjustment period, The only catch is the side effects: weakness,
sedated, and falling.
We have been up since 4:30 this morning. First a walk up and
down Hall 300 in our PJs. Then on shadow duty and remarking clothes for the
laundry. Maggie is now walking around normally. Her slow shuffle is gone. She
actually picks up her feet again.
I marked with inch high letters: HART; silver on black
clothes. It then occurred to me that people who do not read English may have a
problem. They will now see: HART, R Hart, R HART, M HART and M Hart; and, more
than one on some garments. To add to this, is the fact that three different
people have helped mark our clothes.
We have yet another week before we return to a modern memory
care environment where Maggie is a resident, in her world, rather than a
patient existing in our world. Supper, yesterday, may be a preview of what to
expect, unless we are now seeing the effect of reducing the dose of Xanax. Mood
controlling drugs are unpredictable: help, no help, and harm.
From time to time she becomes fixed on something or on a
container of things. She has a concerned expression on her face. If it is
someone’s phone, she will grip it or the person so hard that it is nearly
impossible for the owner to get her free. “Richard.”
Distract and re-direct are
the magic keys to behavior management. This works like a charm in memory care
with familiar caregivers. The tools and timing can be readily manipulated.
Timing here is measured in seconds. As in baseball, you have to hit the ball when
you swing to get a home run.
A more disturbing observation of the past two weeks is an inappropriate
behavior: eating with a knife rather than a fork or spoon, attempting to eat
something other than food, and putting on a second pair of socks over her socks
or her shoes.
We now have two days to see what happens before our next PCP
checkup on Monday. That office was also concerned about over medication when
Maggie and I stopped by Thursday. I wanted all parties to confirm they had
received a FAX containing Maggie’s med list. We have a PCP, in charge of our Medicare insurance, and a house doctor with conflicting judgments: falling and behavior.
Don't worry about the non-English readers. If they are literate in their own language, and their language uses the same alphabet as English, they'll get it. (I have taught ESL to a variety of nationalities.)