Chart 8 includes comparable
costs, for a couple, I selected for similar space. This has been a team effort
by our primary care physician, in-home care manager, Medicare HMO, five specialists,
and administrators at seven residential care sites who act more as counselors
for a good fit than as sales persons.
Tiger Place developed “aging in
place” where services are delivered to each apartment. This has a life
extending effect.
Provision Living just opened. It
has a combined entry level of independent living and assisted living (and for
us, memory care) in one building. It therefore has a higher entry level cost
(and lower care plan costs than Tiger Place).
Mill Creek (Americare operates
it and Tiger Place) has a lower entry level cost than Tiger Place as only room
and board are provided for independent living (IL). My wife can obtain day care
for an additional fee that includes a daily trip between independent living
(IL) and memory care (MC) buildings.
Lenoir Woods is the oldest, most
developed, and low in cost at the independent living, entry level, of care. It
provides “aging on campus” with separate buildings for each level of care.
Remaining at home (no rent or
mortgage) would cost about half of the cost of moving to these independent
living residential care sites. But adding just three hours a day in-home care
would equal this cost of residential care (about $40,000/yr without the car in
residential care).
The remaining three sites have
no support for memory care as the name is now used: a safe and secure
environment. At these sites you come and go as you wish.
By all accounts, The Terrace (with
a new addition) is a fun retirement facility that gives you the choice to cook
or not cook ($31,000 - $36,000/yr). The Village of Bedford Walk expects you to
cook but will serve one noon meal a day just in case ($30,000’yr). Boone
Landing provides space for medical and non-medical services on site. The
combined resort (no cooking) and convenient in-house health support results in
a price of $44,000 - $51,000/yr (2015).

Again, these are all comparable
costs. There are many lower cost apartments, if available. Single bedroom
apartments are lower in cost than two bedroom apartments.
Recent practice is that pricing
will go up 4% a year. If the cost of a mortgage or rent is added to the in-home
MIN, then IL can be less than living in your house.
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